Past Webinars

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1/8 videos
University of Toronto // Dünya'nın İlk 20 Üniversitesinden Biri Olan University of Toronto'da Eğitim
University of Toronto // Dünya'nın İlk 20 Üniversitesinden Biri Olan University of Toronto'da Eğitim
Royal Holloway, University of London // UCAS başvurunuz için etkili yazı yazmanın püf noktaları
Royal Holloway, University of London // UCAS başvurunuz için etkili yazı yazmanın püf noktaları
Hollanda'nın En İyilerinden Tilburg University'de Eğitim, Program Seçenekleri ve Burslar
Hollanda'nın En İyilerinden Tilburg University'de Eğitim, Program Seçenekleri ve Burslar
Macquarie University// Avustralya'da Yaşam, Eğitim ve Burs Fırsatları - Hem Çalış Hem Oku
Macquarie University// Avustralya'da Yaşam, Eğitim ve Burs Fırsatları - Hem Çalış Hem Oku
Baden-Württemberg // Almanya'nın Baden-Württemberg Eyaletinde Yüksek Öğrenim İmkanları
Baden-Württemberg // Almanya'nın Baden-Württemberg Eyaletinde Yüksek Öğrenim İmkanları
SOAS University of London Geniş program seçenekleri ile Ingiltere'nin en iyilerinden SOAS'da eğitim
SOAS University of London Geniş program seçenekleri ile Ingiltere'nin en iyilerinden SOAS'da eğitim
University of Reading // Doğanın Kalbinde Bir İngiliz Üniversitesi: University of Reading
University of Reading // Doğanın Kalbinde Bir İngiliz Üniversitesi: University of Reading
University of Kent // Avrupa'nın Gözde Üniversitesi'nde Kaliteli Bir Eğitim ve Sunulan Olanaklar
University of Kent // Avrupa'nın Gözde Üniversitesi'nde Kaliteli Bir Eğitim ve Sunulan Olanaklar

These many institutions can’t be wrong! They have chosen IEFT Talks Webinars in order to reach to the Turkish students, parents, educational agents and maximize their marketing and sales efforts with the minimum spending. Check out some of the past webinars and the number of participating students and parents.

United States Consulate & EmbassyUSA479
The Turkish Fulbright Commission & EducationUSAUSA407
California State University, ChicoUSA358
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityUSA261
Felician UniversityUSA328
Full Sail UniversityUSA372
Kaplan Pathways & Arizona State UniversityUSA412
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyUSA201
SMU School of EngineeringUSA295
Southwest Minnesota State UniversityUSA336
Stevens Institute of TechnologyUSA297
Study New JerseyUSA228
Syracuse University – Whitman School of ManagementUSA243
The University of Texas at ArlingtonUSA315
University of ArkansasUSA423
University of FindlayUSA346
University of Incarnate WordUSA223
University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleUSA213
Western Michigan UniversityUSA143
ETS GlobalUSA311
Green River CollegeUSA112
Montgomery Community CollegeUSA110
Northwest CollegeUSA72
Portland Community CollegeUSA88
Santa Monica CollegeUSA296
Santa Rosa Junior CollegeUSA61
St. Francis CollegeUSA330
Mercyhurst Preparatory SchoolUSA370
Riverside Military AcademyUSA97
Fun Opportunity AbroadUSA410
Informed Educational SolutionsUSA117
Embassy of CanadaCanada582
The University of British ColumbiaCanada916
University of TorontoCanada587
York University-YUELICanada595
Cape Breton UniversityCanada275
Trent UniversityCanada160
ILAC University PathwayCanada289
Capilano UniversityCanada322
Yorkville UniversityCanada360
University Canada WestCanada381
Vancouver Film SchoolCanada240
The Northern Alberta Institute of TechnologyCanada247
Niagara CollegeCanada129
Sault CollegeCanada236
Douglas CollegeCanada410
Langara CollegeCanada427
George Brown CollegeCanada540
Upper Canada CollegeCanada82
Burnaby School District, Vancouver, CanadaCanada82
Sprott Shaw Language College (SSLC)Canada130
Toronto School Of Management / Trebas Institute MontrealCanada167
ILAC & ILAC ICCanada182
Quest Language StudiesCanada197
ILSC Education GroupCanada624
British Council Study UKUK530
King’s College LondonUK356
Royal Holloway, University of LondonUK349
University of ExeterUK217
University of GlasgowUK235
Liverpool John Moores UniversityUK353
University of WorcesterUK121
University of SalfordUK182
University of KentUK199
University of Liverpool – English Language CentreUK310
Brunel University, LondonUK334
University of PlymouthUK366
University of WestminsterUK372
Bournemouth UniversityUK410
David Game CollegeUK91
Bayswater CollegeUK218
Mill Hill SchoolUK192
St GilesUK360
Twin GroupUK167
Australian Consulate Istanbul/ AustradeAustralia332
Macquarie UniversityAustralia302
Kaplan Business School AustraliaAustralia283
Aarhus UniversityDenmark254
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)Denmark371
University of Southern DenmarkDenmark144
University College AbsalonDenmark344
VIA University CollegeDenmark246
Haaga-Helia University of Applied SciencesFinland134
Centria University of Applied SciencesFinland308
Tallinn University of TechnologyEstonia249
Consulate General of Sweden IstanbulSweden308
Chalmers University of TechnologySweden106
Jönköping UniversitySweden244
Linnaeus UniversitySweden226
University WestSweden475
DAAD/German Academic Exchange ServiceGermany1022
Studying in Baden-Württemberg, South West GermanyGermany334
Macromedia University of Applied SciencesGermany281
SRH Berlin University of Applied SciencesGermany291
RWTH Aachen UniversityGermany583
IUBH University of Applied SciencesGermany173
FH Aachen University Freshman InstituteGermany267
Holland Consulate Istanbul/Neso TurkeyThe Netherlands498
Tilburg UniversityThe Netherlands572
Trinity College Dublin, the University of IrelandIreland482
Griffith CollegeIreland302
CES-Centre of English StudiesIreland371
Berlitz Dublin & ManchesterIreland369
University of Humanities and Economics in LodzPoland342
SPD Scuola Politecnica di DesignItaly205
Boarding HouseItaly247
Pisa Edu Education AgencyItaly161
University of PécsHungary490
University of OradeaRomania237
Babeș-Bolyai UniversityRomania284
University of Economics, VarnaBulgaria137
RUDN UniversityRussia227
Es Dubai-English Studies DubaiUED91
J-MENA ‘Study in Japan’Japan220
Kyoto University of Advanced ScienceJapan121
The University of Manchester China CentreChina220
Kaplan International LanguagesInternational132
LSI – Language Studies InternationalInternational175
Oxford International Education GroupInternational242
OHC EnglishInternational248
ICES Turkey Education AgencyInternational274
PTE AcademicInternational352


IEFT TALKS is the only platform that you can reach the maximum number of prospective Turkish students and parents for the lowest prices!

What is IEFT Talks Webinars?

IEFT Talks Webinars consists of a series of web seminars (also known as webinars), that requires nothing but a computer with a microphone, camera, and internet connection for you to get started right away. Each webinar takes 45 to 60 minutes with the participation of a minimum of 70 to 150 high school and university students and parents, graduates, educational agents and representatives, with some webinars receiving over 300 students & parents and huge interest. IEFT Talks Webinars is the best way to reach millions of potential Turkish students with a few clicks from the comfort of your own home/office with no traveling required.

The target audience of IEFT Talks Webinars is motivated and hard-working Turkish students who are planning to go abroad for their studies. Our aim at IEFT is to bring together the most successful high school, undergraduate, and graduate students looking for a quality education abroad. We also bring together parents, educational agents, and high school counselors to help you recruit the best students.



How much does a webinar session cost ?

Value for money is our motto in IEFT Talks Webinars! A webinar session costs only 1000 USD. We also have exclusive package offers. You can now book 3 webinars for the price of 2,300 USD.

You can book your IEFT Talks Webinars sessions in only 60 seconds!


For further information on IEFT Talks Webinars please click the links below...

Why should you attend to IEFT Talks Webinars?

Benefits of IEFT Talks Webinars (IEFT Talks Webinars vs In-Person Fairs)

Who is IEFT Talks Webinars suitable for?

Who is the target audience of IEFT Talks Webinars?

What are the most popular countries of IEFT Talks Webinars?

What are the most popular educational degrees and programs of IEFT Talks Webinars?

How do we market your webinar?

How much does a webinar session cost?

How many sessions do you need?

How many people register and attend to each webinar?

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